At India Viral Alerts (, we uphold a strong commitment to accuracy in all our content. To ensure this, we employ rigorous fact-checking measures, maintaining transparency and accountability to our audience. Our fact-checking policy is outlined as follows:
a) We approach information with skepticism, questioning assumptions, and challenging conventional wisdom to verify claims thoroughly.
b) Our dedication to accuracy is paramount to our reputation and the trust of our audience. We strive for due accuracy, ensuring that information is appropriate and adequate for the content’s subject and nature.
c) Our content is well-sourced, based on available evidence, and corroborated. We transparently communicate uncertainties and avoid unfounded speculation.
d) Plagiarism and deliberate distortion of facts or context, including visual information, are strictly prohibited among our journalists.
e) We seek independent verification of claims, especially those made by public officials or individuals with vested interests. Claims lacking corroboration are attributed accordingly.
f) We stand by the accuracy of our published information. If errors are identified, we promptly correct them and maintain transparency throughout the process. We acknowledge and rectify factual errors quickly, clearly, and appropriately.
g) We provide a platform for our audience to report inaccuracies or errors via the “Suggest A Correction” section available at the end of every web story.
h) Our journalists are responsible for reporting, writing, and fact-checking stories, which undergo review by one or more editors. For stories requiring extensive fact-checking, we implement a multi-level review process based on factors such as complexity and sensitivity.
Correction Policies
While striving for excellence, we acknowledge that errors may occur. We are committed to promptly correcting inaccuracies and maintaining transparency. Our correction procedures are outlined below:
If a reader identifies an error, they should contact us, immediately via email at ,and please mention as Subject: Correction Needed
Corrections should include the error, publication date or reference, reader’s name, contact information, correct information, and its source (if applicable). For example, if correcting a factual error in a report on a public event, readers should provide supporting evidence such as official statements or reliable sources.
Upon receipt of a correction submission, the editor-in-chief will investigate the error and respond to the reader accordingly.
India Viral Alerts ( Upon receiving a correction request, the editor-in-chief will investigate using available information sources.
If an error is confirmed, corrections will be implemented across all affected platforms:
WEBSITE: Articles will be corrected, with an editor’s note appended to the bottom detailing the error and correction.
SOCIAL MEDIA: Corrections will be posted on relevant platforms, directing followers to the corrected content. Once corrections are made, the editor-in-chief will notify the reader who submitted the correction, providing details of the corrective actions taken.
At India Viral Alerts, we prioritize accuracy and transparency, striving to maintain the highest standards of journalistic integrity.